Improving Job Quality
Economic Stability
Workplace Equity
Career Pathways
We're building career pathways into better paying retail grocery jobs.
WeTrain Washington advances leadership and job skills for thousands of workers across a wide array of grocery occupations.
As a joint labor management initiative between UFCW Local 3000 and employers we design and expand skilled apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs in the grocery industry. Our programs improve job quality, ensure economic stability, nurture financial security, and promote workforce equity for workers throughout the industry.
Grocery stores are cornerstones of communities.
Grocery workers staff stores that provide us with healthy, affordable meals, including our low-income and elderly neighbors.
Grocery stores and their hardworking staff members are the anchors of our neighborhoods. They generate value for homeowners, and provide barrier-free pathways to good jobs for immigrants, women, People of Color, and other underrepresented workers.